206.842.3099 2john@earthlink.net johnadamsdesign.com PO Box 10884 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Copyright 2025 John Adams Design All Rights Reserved
I am offering weekday morning watercolor classes for all levels of students through The Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Parks District and privately in Port Townsend, WA.
To register for classes on the island, contact the Bainbridge Island Parks office at 206-842-2302. You will find information and can register online at www.biparks.org
For classes in Port Townsend, register with John Adams at 206-842-3099 or email 2john@earthlink.net
I have been teaching weekly watercolor classes to adults since 1987 and welcome all levels of students in a supportive atmosphere for anyone who wants to learn watercolor painting. Please contact me with questions regarding my classes...
This was a top notch class! John is a fun, masterful instructor.
Distilled, clear instruction on design theory and composition-complete with a dynamic watercolor painting demonstration.… lending inspiration to every participant to sketch, paint, experiment and create their own art piece…
Examples of demonstration paintings completed in class with students
Please give me a call or email if you have any questions about classes.